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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Mars Conjunct Neptune 20°56’ Pisces – 13th June 2020

Mars in Pisces wants to express its emotions drastically. On its way to this process, Mars conjunct Neptune, the planet of illusion, delusion but the higher expression of love as well. Our actions are weakened and we suffer from lack of energy, while we lose our direction and we make wrong decisions.

This aspect influences our health system due to infections, viruses and addictions. Taking into consideration we still experience the Covid-19 period, we expect more cases to be announced in the next days.

We idealise people and situations, as we need to believe in something higher and better for our world.

Mutable signs, especially those born near the end of the second decan and within the first days of the third decan, are mainly affected by this aspect.

The 12 signs under the Mars – Neptune Conjunction:


You fight your own emotions. Something is going on behind the curtain in your workplace. In your love life, you make up stories in your head.


You are very social these days and possibly you trust others more than what you usually do. Stay focused on your goal, whatever it is, and avoid deception from friends and acquaintances.


You concentrate on career matters and feel exhausted due to your continuous attempt to succeed your business goals. You are tired of the several disappointments.


You can succeed in education matters, seminars and new ventures abroad, if you remain focused on your goals. You are exhausted due to a last-minute trip.


Your colleagues may try to deceive you and consequently, it will delay your plans temporarily. Psychologically you feel weak.


You may feel betrayed by a relationship and you have no energy to claim whatever you think you deserve. Love may be proved wrong.


The best you can do is to stay away from bad habits which can affect your health. Career and daily life matters, which you had neglected, attract your attention.


Blind love is in the spotlight for you. You remain creative but you also should remained concentrated on your goals as well.


You are concerned about your family issues and you overreact in supporting and defending your ideals. Soon you realise that what you are fighting for right now doesn’t deserve it.


Your mind, your thoughts and your relationships with your siblings and your relatives cause you confusion. You support your ideas with passion, but you will understand that you are in the wrong direction.


You incur unreasonable expenses without examining the consequences. Try not to destroy all you have managed to succeed so far with your hard work.


You want to make your dreams come true, but you don’t know what to sacrifice this time. I would suggest you relax and enjoy the simple moments of life.

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