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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

New Moon 22nd May 2020

Trust Yourself!

May New Moon at 02°04’ Gemini trine Saturn giving us the stability to contemplate new starts. The most positively affected signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius born the following dates:

· 21-22 May

· 23-24 September

· 21-22 January

It’s time to be innovative to rebuild our lives.

Communications and group activities will restart but not necessarily in the most sincere and clear way as Venus conjunct Mercury (both are out of bounds in the most talkative sign, Gemini) square Neptune in Pisces making the atmosphere romantic and blurry at the same time. It’s like this period in our life that we live our fairy-tale, and then the bubbles burst.

Mars square the New Moon by releasing a quite aggressive energy to get our plans done. Saturn instructs us to be patient, but Mars needs action. It will be difficult to bring balance.

The imperative meaning of this New Moon is to rely on our self only and trust our instincts. Otherwise, we will face the deception after a while.

How the 12 signs deal with the energy of the New Moon


The New Moon takes place in the sector of your daily discussions, siblings, short trips and neighbours. It gives you the chance to establish robust relationships and concentrate on your plans for the near future. Some situations may cause you confusion, so if you become overwhelmed with what you share with others or what others share with you, be prepared as well to regret it soon.


The New Moon falls into your money, personal values, self-esteem and talent sector. You focus on increasing your income by believing in yourself in order to promote your public image and your career. You may find out a new talent. Also, don’t get surprised if a friend asks you for money or you need to invest money in a group activity. I don’t think it’s very wise at the moment.


You host New Moon in your own sign this month drawing your attention to yourself, your personality and your appearance. You define your ambitions and set out your goals. The only pitfall here is your tendency to do many things at once. You’ve got great opportunities if you remain focused on specific plans. Those natives born near the end of the second decan may get disappointed by the outcome of a decision related to career matters.


The area of your hidden enemies, the unspeakable words, and your isolation comes to the fore with this New Moon. You may need to stay away from others and reconsider the negative influence which affects your life and your inner world. However, don’t let the past to draw you back into moments you want to forget.


The New Moon takes place in your friend zone, social connections, group activities and your objectives. The people you meet now will play an important role in your personal and professional life. Confusion about your financial matters will cause you complication. Possibly there is something deeper you need to resolve before committing yourself to a financial agreement.


You concentrate on career matters, recognition and your public image. Your workload in your daily life is really intensive; your attempts bring the desired result. You become aggressive against your partners in order to succeed the best outcome. Unfinished projects or previous job opportunities come up, but it’s better to wait until you give the final answer. Natives born near the end of the second decan may get disappointed by financial or romantic affairs.


You look for new experiences, growth, higher education matters, seminars and ideally, you want to travel, if restrictions have been lifted in your country. You enrich your knowledge with any subject which draws your attention. If you are single, you have high chances to get to know someone from another country or a different mentality. Also, you may need to learn new techniques to improve your routine or your health as things aren’t what they seem to be.


You focus on your deep feelings, your partner’s finance, your inheritance issues and your sexual life. You take very serious decisions about your home life or even decide to move into a new home. You only need to be careful about gambling, if you are this kind of person. Otherwise, you may get disappointed about financial and security or insecurity matters of your love or business partner.


The New Moon in Gemini draws your attention in your personal life and your close relationships. A new relationship can start now or you may commit yourself to a certain business partnership. Natives born near the end of the second decan (20°00’ Sagittarius), don’t make any investment at your home. If you want to renovate your personal area, it isn’t the perfect time. Also, double check if you have locked the front door.


You focus your energy on your daily life, your work environment, your colleagues, your pets and your health. You discover ways to improve your income and be more consistent in your employment. You know what you deserve to get. Confusions may occur because of misunderstandings with your siblings and your relatives.


Your creativity, children and joy are highlighted under the beams of the New Moon in Gemini. You realise the real pleasure of serving yourself in the best possible way. Your chances to start a new romantic relationship are very high. You may spend more money than usual to enjoy luxurious activities.


Your domestic life, your family, your home and the final outcome of matters you are concerned about lately come in the spotlight with the New Moon in Gemini. New beginnings are not the easiest part, but you are determined to succeed, even if it means that you have to lie to family members or your own self.

If you want to receive a clear interpretation of your natal chart or a detailed astrology report including dates for the next 12 months, you can email your date, place and time of birth at

Cost at £60.00/ €70.00 / $80.00 via email or via Skype or Zoom.

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