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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Retrograde Mercury in Cancer 19th June – 12th July

In order to understand the meaning of the Mercury Rx in Cancer, let’s go back to Ancient Greece. Think about Hermes – Mercury who has just received the message from the mother Selene – Moon (the ruling planet of Cancer) to convey this to her children, which symbolise all of us. Hermes – Mercury fools around and delays the responsibility he undertook and when he finally decides to take action there are obstacles and trials…

So, Mercury from 19th June to 12th July is going retrograde in the sign of Cancer. This retrograde motion starts at the 14th degree of Cancer and finishes at the 5th degree of the same sign. The planet of transportations, thoughts, communications, children and pets is in the sentimental sign of Cancer, which expresses our family roots, our homeland, the mother, our memories, real estate and our emotional security.

Mercury (Rx) along with the aspects that will form during its retrograde motion and the last Eclipses in the Cancer – Capricorn axis (21st June and 5th July) comes to put us in the process of reviewing what we want to communicate emotionally, but also where we really feel insecure.

Whatever happens to us on an individual level these days will cause the same feeling as something we experienced in the past or something we might have discussed it again. It is not necessary that we meet the same people again, although for some signs it is possible. Some may feel that even their thoughts of past events will hurt them. Others may find that what they once thought about their relationship is falling apart. Let's keep in mind that our thought - Mercury is in the sign that holds on our memories - Cancer.

In mundane level, land reclamations will appear around the world. Also, Mars, which will be in the sign of Aries from 28th June, will actively participate in this. Impulsive and aggressive moves will come to the surface to claim what is considered as lost. In addition, real estate issues will concern us during this period and the emotional insecurities will be more intense. It will not be easy for us to express what we feel.

Mercury (Rx) in the 12 signs:

Aries: Your attention is focused on family matters. Communicating with people in your immediate family circle and those you live with will not be easy. Problems that you thought you had solved are coming back now. It's a good idea not to make any changes, whether it's moving or renovating your home, because the final result will disappoint you.

Taurus: Misunderstandings will prevail in your communication with relatives, siblings and neighbors. If you are planning a trip, there may be delays. Pay attention to who you trust your ideas and your feelings and avoid signing contracts. Discussions and meetings with people from your past are favored.

Gemini: If you want to invest in ideas that you had in the past, you need to be more detailed in your plans and avoid mistakes that you will regret later. Whatever action you want to take when it comes to your finances, you need to look at it very carefully before making any commitment. You are going through a review of your personal values.

Cancer: You most likely feel an emotional uncertainty. Your mind will be confused and it will be easy to choose the wrong direction. Thoughts, relationships and collaborations from the past reappear. You need a very clear judgment on your part. With Mercury going retrograde in your sign, you will be in a constant state of anxiety and many times the postponements and delays will cause you more irritability than what the situations requires.

Leo: You need to isolate yourself in order to reconstruct your thoughts and avoid further frustrations both in your business and in your relationships which are not fulfilled as you would like. Try not to be overwhelmed by the emotional insecurity you will experience these days. Finally, there are high chances to get involved in secret relationships.

Virgo: You get into the process of reviewing your goals and plans. Don't make any moves yet, but you can make a good plan. Your attention will also be focused on your friendly relationships, some of which will go through a crisis and some others which have broken up will be revived. It is possible that a friend sees you differently or will approach you initially on a friendly level.

Libra: The delays will mainly affect your business plans due to the misunderstandings. You review the way you want to present yourself to others about your career and you will most likely use good old practices. But be careful how you do it so that you don't annoy them instead of calming them down. You may be approached by people you used to work with. But don't promise anything, listen now and consider their suggestions to act later.

Scorpio: Delays in plans for long trips, studies and legal documents. Be prepared for procrastination and obstacles and if someone asks you to sign a legal document, try to examine it very well. In romance, love could come from afar and concern a person from another country or with a completely different culture. But you also review your own philosophy of life.

Sagittarius: There are financial obligations that will stress you, if you have not already done the proper management. Try to make a good plan in your finances and avoid taking a loan. In your love life, it is very likely that a sexual partner you had rejected for your own reasons will return.

Capricorn: Misunderstandings and irritations will prevail in your relationship and it is not the right time to make a decision about the common future of your relationship or a partnership. For the singles, the return of people from the past is favoured, but the intense feeling will be along with insecurity.

Aquarius: You return to old daily habits and that irritates you a lot. Relationships and communications with your colleagues or subordinates will not be at the best possible level. Some health issues that have bothered you in the past may come back in order to make you reconsider the way you live and your daily routine.

Pisces: You will redefine your relationship with your partner and your children, as well as your goals and what exactly makes you happy. You have the opportunity at this time to reconnect with a person from your past if that is what you want. If not, you can start a new dreamy relationship! At first, you may find obstacles in your communication and meetings, but when you both overcome these, you will experience a beautiful fairy tale.

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