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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Saturn in Aquarius (2020 – 2023)

Updated: May 2, 2020

Saturn, the Great Teacher, from the second sign of its domicile in traditional astrology, Aquarius, comes to teach us the intellect and the development of new innovative inventions and ideas. Saturn and Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius in a few months, along with the disruptive planet, Uranus in Taurus, will officially lead us into new cycles of awakening and consciousness, the Age of Aquarius.

We are still carrying Saturn's heavy energy from Capricorn and the great meeting with Pluto in January 2020. Whether we like it or not, we have changed our habits and have revised our social and economic attitudes. We end up learning the hard way in order to break the shackles of individuality and move on to collectivity.

Saturn will enter Aquarius from March 22 to July 2, 2020. Then, it will return to Capricorn to complete its Capricorn cycle on December 17, 2020, and this is when Saturn will re-enter Aquarius and will remain in the second sign of its dominance for the next two and a half years, until March 2023. The fixed signs are mainly affected, Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. On the one hand they go through the sudden changes of Uranus, and on the other hand, they take the lessons of Saturn. The greatest challenge for them is to stop saying, ‘I would never do that!’ and accept that every change (Uranus) has come to establish a solid foundation through tough times (Saturn). Tiredness is a given, but the reward is worth it.


You need more effort to accomplish your personal ambitions and goals, but whatever you achieve over the next years will have a very long duration over time. You will go through crisis in your friendly and social environment, and you may be forced to cut toxic people out of your life. You will set your own boundaries.


You will be more concerned about career matters, public image, social status and why not, a possible marriage or a very serious partnership. You will try hard to maintain things as they are. However, it would be better if you don’t resist changes; you can welcome these so they are more painless. The obstacles you are likely to face now are the keys to move forward and to turn the page in your life.


It’s the right time for you to become more serious and mature by changing the way you deal with several situations in your life. You may need this new attitude as Neptune from Pisces has been telling you lies for many years. Get back to reality is necessary. Education and travel matters are favoured, as long as you take these more seriously. You will benefit in the future, if you abide by the rules of dedication and hard work that Saturn requires.


Bank and Tax obligations will keep you alert. At the same time, you need to manage and reduce your emotional outburst. It is an opportunity to dive into your deep emotional world and learn how to control it to some extent. You have experienced many tests and trials in your relationships over the last 10 years, which should have taught you how to avoid attachments due to insecurities and guilt.


Your relationships and your collaborations are the main matters that Saturn will target. You work hard, so if you continue in the same pattern, then you should not be afraid of anything. It will compensate you with serious people in your life. On the contrary, if you try to take advantage of others, Saturn could take away whatever you tried really hard to achieve. It can be a relationship, a marriage or a professional collaboration. Be fair, it’s up to you.


Routine, pets, health and germs… The truth is that a Virgo can deal with everything, but how about germs?! You will take on more responsibilities and your schedule will be heavily loaded. However, you easily adapt to the new situation, as you already know how to tick all boxes in your daily life. Pay attention to your bad habits, it’s the right time to break these.


You may feel that there is no joy in your life. The moments of happiness will be there for you, but you are not sure what the real meaning is. Even the way you enjoy life and entertain yourself and people around you have a more serious attitude. This could be the result of the new responsibilities toward your children or a potential pregnancy. In your love affairs, you will become more selective and quite often others will feel you are inaccessible. Artists may feel a lack of creativity and inspiration.


Family issues and problems from your past may return. You face obligations and challenges associated with what really concerns you in your life. Delays in family and career matters will give you great reward in the end. Don’t give up! You are the sign who will take the most important lessons over the three years. Saturn square and Uranus opposite your Sun will force you to act in an unpredictable and difficult way. I advise you take nothing for granted. Let the unexpected, which will benefit you, happen in your life.


Your relationships with your brothers, sisters, relatives and neighbours will go through hard times. However, they will evolve through this crisis. Do not be afraid to disagree with others; just pay more attention to the way express your arguments. Saturn in this position will make you use sharp words and ‘Words cut deeper than knives’. You must be very well informed of what you say, because in this case, lack of knowledge will cause you problems. Lastly, you may notice delays and misfortunes in short trips.


If it was another sign with Saturn in its second solar house, we could about financial constraints and ask them to balance their bank statement. Capricorns don’t need Saturn to point this out; they already know how to do it! You may have some financial losses, but you are able to manage it, you are rightly characterised as the Spartans of the zodiac. The biggest bet for you in the next three years is to keep your values high and not sink into insecurities. You must feel confident that whatever you have achieved, you deserve it. Possibly you will never express any of your insecurities, but even the thought can put obstacles in your way.


Saturn will be in your sign for the next three years. However, please don’t be disappointed! It is your chance to show the world that apart from the endless discussions about ideals and philosophies, you can become very serious when it’s required. You will take on responsibilities and make serious endeavours that will increase the respect toward you. Don’t forget that Saturn is your own ruler as well; it will not treat you badly, if you put your own boundaries first.


You will enter into an inner isolation for the next three years by your own initiative, in order to think about your and others’ mistakes. It is a necessary review before closing cases that you carry from the past. They may not be situations or other people, but your own thoughts. You understand now that you will achieve your goals, only if you develop yourself through this process. From time to time, depending on your decan, you may have mood swings, but they will be quite constructive.

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