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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Scorpio Full Moon – 7th May 2020 (17°19’ Scorpio)

We cannot expect anything less than deep emotions, intuition and desires which turn into obsessions. However, the Full Moon of May, the Flower Moon, is one of the most encouraging astrological events during 2020 Spring as it gives us the hope to achieve whatever we dream and desire. We should take advantage of the vibes of this Moon, which will follow us for the next 15 daysHowever, we have to keep in mind the real role of the Moon in Scorpio. It will show us how we are going to complete our plan and the inner purpose of our actions. Try to overcome the fear of betrayal and the feeling of revenge. Use the transformational energy of this Moon to let go of anyone who should have no influence upon you. It’s not necessarily a person, it can be an idea, a feeling or even a situation you have gone through recently. Don’t forget the difficult times that all of us have experienced the last 3 months.

Mercury Opposite Moon in the Full Moon chart, so it will be difficult to balance our thoughts and our feelings. Mercury in Taurus will make us entirely rational and at the same time, the Moon will trigger us to react in a very emotional manner. Nevertheless, the positive aspects of Mercury sextile Neptune and Full Moon trine Neptune show us that Neptune, the higher octave of Venus; outweighs the difficult aspect of Mercury opposite Full Moon. Compassion, love and spiritual understanding will prevail.

How each sign will be affected?


Full Moon falls in your 8th house of sex appeal, your partner’s money, your debts and secret power. Don’t miss the chance of paying off your debts and the sexual intimacy with your lover.


You focus on your personal relationships and your partnerships with this Full Moon. Be open to conversations and listen to different ideas. It will improve the important relationships in your life.


You schedule your workload effectively. A secret crush on someone you work with could occur under this Full Moon influence.


Full Moon in the water sign of Scorpio in your 5th house of creativity, joy and children could announce the arrival of romance in your life or the fulfilment of a creative accomplishment for artists and businessman- businesswomen. If you are parents, you can expect good news from your children.


Secret issues from the past or family matters may be revealed during these days of the Full Moon in Scorpio. Don’t lose your faith! You know how to deal with the difficult situations and show your strength, stability and courage to others. Don’t forget, you are a Lion!


You become more social and you may meet someone special during this Full Moon. It’s also possible that your relatives or your neighbours will reveal you secrets, which will lead you to make some serious decisions. It will relieve you after all.


Full Moon falls in the 2nd house of your finances and your self-esteem. You are positively influenced in your financial matters. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this extra income. Your chances are very high during this period.


The lead role of this Full Moon is yours. That’s undeniable! You have the chance to accomplish some of your deepest desires. Choose your plan wisely; awake your forgiveness and compassion in order to see the best results.


You may look for isolation. This Full Moon reminds you of previous sentiments which caused you inner wounds. Try to keep the good lesson out of this situation, ‘You improve your spirituality’.


The energy of this Full Moon will be focused on your friendships, your social life and your goals. You will excel to whatever you decide to do, that’s your week! The scenario of new acquaintances through your friends is quite possible.


You are truly concentrated on your work trying to develop your career. However, try not to get distracted by family matters at the moment. If you have issues in your personal life, you need to be open and discuss with your partner before wrong decisions are made by both sides.


Your plans for a journey which you were longing for months can come true. It’s the right time for you to achieve your career goals and reap the rewards of your efforts. You could attend seminars or make connections with people who live abroad.

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