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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Solar Eclipse 00°21’ Cancer – 21 June 2020

· Closing circles in our life permanently

· Emotional situations prevail

· Where there is an imbalance, there will be a restriction

· Global Turbulence

Solar Eclipse, 21st June 2020, at 00°21' of Cancer and Aries - Libra, Cancer - Capricorn are approaching the finishing line after a crazy course of events for the last 2.5 years. The problems will not magically disappear, but you have supposedly taken your lessons. The next period will be important for those born in the first days of the above signs and those who have Ascendant, Midheaven and personal planets in the first degrees.

Closing circles in our life permanently

The Solar Eclipse - New Moon takes place in the zero degree of Cancer which is considered as a critical degree and marks the end of cycles for each of us, depending on the house where the Eclipse takes place and the personal planets involved in it. At the same time, however, we are following a new course in our lives, full of determination from the experiences we have had. The transformation will not be easy, we will have losses and wounds, but they are necessary to release ourselves. Our need for love and protection both for ourselves and for those we consider as our family will be openly expressed. We protect our possessions at all costs. We will also have strong intuition.

Emotional situations prevail

The Moon is in the sign of its dominance and out of bounds in this Eclipse. In practice, this means that we will act impulsively, without logic, and emotions are what will guide us. Our goal will be to protect the family, the homeland and maintain our security. The Moon that will be in conjunction with the Sun, since we are talking about a Solar Eclipse, will overshadow the Sun and will intensify the action that will spring spontaneously and reflexively from within us. The Sun, our personality and our Ego will be released because we will choose it. Anything that happens in our lives, both individually and globally will have a strong impact for at least 6 months. Individual and social revolutions will have a cause and an effect.

Where there is an imbalance, there will be a restriction

The main aspect of the Eclipse is quincunx with Saturn from the zero degree of Aquarius. Saturn, retrograde in Aquarius, is preparing to enter Capricorn and this retrograde motion is related to mistakes and omissions that we made in the past and will be re-evaluated. So if we have failed to maintain our social responsibility and balance towards our social circle, then we will be restricted. The quincunx aspect is also related to health issues, and with the two Lights, Sun - Moon, being in the sign of Cancer, the psychological, psychosomatic problems and insecurities will increase. Also, this aspect symbolizes karma and how else could this be understood, since Karma's planet, Saturn, participates in the Eclipse, which speaks of karmic debts that we have to repay in order to be pushed by the zero degree of Cancer in creating a new life.

Global Turbulence

The Eclipse is in conjunction with the fixed star Menkalinan from the constellation of Auriga and symbolizes great disasters and violent deaths. It is no coincidence that it participated in the Solar Eclipse on June 21, 2001, when we had the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre, where Mars once moved into Capricorn (opposite the Eclipse on 10/09/2021) activated the event. The results of the Solar Eclipse of June 2020 will be immediately visible, especially at the end of June to the beginning of July, when Mars moves in the sign of Aries in the zero and first degree of the sign. The Eclipse mainly affects the countries through which it travels, Central Africa, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India and Central China. And a typical example to see how early an eclipse can work is that it passes over Hubei and Hunan from the provinces that started the first cases of Covid-19. The countries with Ascendant and Sun in the first degrees of cardinal signs are also affected. Individually, everyone should look back to 2001-2002, remember the events that marked us at that time, and prepare accordingly.

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