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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Sun Square Neptune & Venus (Rx) Sextile Chiron – 11th June 2020

Pompous speech can lead us to utopias and confusion. Excitement swap places with disappointment.

Sun in the intellectual and chatty sign of Gemini square Neptune in Pisces at 20th degree of these mutable signs affecting mainly the Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces born at the end of the second decan and the early degree of the third decan.

Our thoughts get confused and the lies we may hear from others or we may tell them, will cause disappointment.

The Sun, which expresses our personality, our self and our confidence, comes into conflict with the reality and the lie we live in. We doubt ourselves.

The exact same day, 11th June, Venus, which is still retrograde in the sign of Gemini forms an auxiliary sextile with Chiron in Aries at 9th degree of Gemini and Aries, respectively. This aspect gives the opportunity for those natives born the First decan of mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) signs to healthier ego and the way that others cope with them. This chance comes through discussions. The archetypal interpretation of Chiron remains the same. The wounded healer will try to find ways to heal once our wound is still open.

Within the next days we will hear about problems related to means of transportation, communications, education, children, and secret situations which will be revealed.

How these aspects are going to affect each sign?

Aries: Communication matters, short trips and the relationships with your siblings or other relatives will be influenced. Quick decisions will take you to the wrong direction.

Taurus: Do not trust your money to people of your social life. You may get disappointed if you rely on the way they instruct you to handle your budget. Do not let anyone to lower your self-esteem.

Gemini: Career problems will discourage you. Pay attention to your social status. Do not harm your own good reputation.

Cancer: Avoid trusting anyone who will try to gain your confidence in a sneaky manner. Initially, you may think that you have got the same way of thinking, but the motives are completely different.

Leo: You are very social these days and you consider as friends all these people around you. However, they may propose you some very “lucrative” financial investments. You do not need to agree or sign anything right now.

Virgo: Your business partners will suggest ways to improve your career life; it is not the right time to trust them.

Libra: Issues with your colleagues and your health concern you. You want to find out new ways to improve your daily life.

Scorpio: Your life partner’s finances and your own debts come into the spotlight these days. Avoid hasty moves as you will not achieve the desired result.

Sagittarius: Family issues and your close relationship have caused you confusion. You should not believe what happens in your life now as you may be deceived.

Capricorn: Your routine is full of all these wrong things and it causes you confusion. Your colleagues or your relatives may reveale you a ‘secret’, but it is not as confidential as you may think. Their aim is to confuse you even more.

Aquarius: You live in your own fairytale over the next days. The person who has recently invaded into your life looks ideal for you. However, you should keep something for yourself and evaluate everything a bit later.

Pisces: If you want to make serious decisions about your family, a house, or some memories from your past, you will feel drowned. If you are not ready for these responsibilities, do not make any change. Your emotional state will confuse you.

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