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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Venus Retrograde in Gemini (13th May – 25th June) - Part 1

Course of Venus during its Retrograde Motion

The planet of love, money, personal values and possessions goes retrograde in the sign of communication, short trips, writing, children and pets. Okay, the conditions look ideal! It could be… if Venus wasn’t out of bounds for most of its retrograde motion (until 2nd June), we weren’t under the influence of Neptune-Venus square and of course, the impact of the lunar eclipse on 5th June at 15° of Sagittarius (Venus plays its own role in this eclipse).

What’s the course of Venus during its retrograde motion?

Let’s start with the following.

· Venus Rx out of bounds until 2nd June

Venus out of bounds expresses its traits in the most wild and archetypal way. Actually, it is practically out of control, there is no filter on our reactions. If we like something, we like it a lot; if we dislike something, we hate it! The energy flows without boundaries. The Venus Rx out of bounds trap is that we like the unusual and inappropriate and we reject what can make us happy. However, if you are an artist, your creativity and your imagination can excel, as you need this inner raw energy to develop your art.

· Venus Rx square Neptune (21st May 2020)

While Venus remains retrograde and out of bounds in Gemini will form a square with Neptune in Pisces. Here we are! If you have followed the unusual and inappropriate we mentioned above or you have given in to a past love that reappeared the previous period, I’m afraid that disappointment isn’t far away. Dreamy Neptune will shed its blur light on wild Venus. Most people like the difficult path, however, they should be prepared to go through deception, frustration and agony.

· Venus Rx conjunct Mercury (22nd May 2020)

Just a few hours after the Venus – Neptune square, Venus will meet Mercury. In the alignment of these two planets both are out of bounds. Mercury in its own sign of rulership, Gemini, will express overthinking and a very critical attitude. At the same time, we may have some innovative ideas. But, what happens when Mercury conjunct Venus and both of them square Neptune? Can you imagine how the expectation of a meeting with your ex is stuck behind lies or while you are longing for this short trip, you are disappointed by problems in your travel plans? The other side of the coin is that your very persuasive way can deceive anyone you want to approach at this specific time or vice versa. You can be either the victim or the deceiver.

· Venus Rx in Gemini conjunct Sun and square Mars in Pisces (3rd June 2020)

Well, after the deception of the previous days, Mars in Pisces will feel guilty about the lies he told us along with Neptune. The whole energy is about trying to change the bad plot, and make the things even worse in the end, as everyone will be angry and impulsive.

· Venus Rx opposite Lunar Eclipse (5th June 2020)

This eclipse sets the stage for a new two and a half years series of eclipses in the Gemini –Sagittarius axis. Venus opposite Moon and she is one of the planets with the leading role in this eclipse. Our sincere feelings and love look for attention, it will make us overconfident, aggressive and impulsive. The situations around us will be explosive metaphorically and literally.

· Venus Rx sextile Chiron (11th June 2020)

We have the opportunity to face our wounds and heal our emotional trauma. We may sacrifice ourselves for love in a very pure way. Considering that Venus is still in Gemini, the best way to succeed this is by speaking frankly about our emotions. It’s also a quite artistic aspect, which means that some traumas can be healed by expressing our artistic nature and inspiration.

· Venus goes direct (25th June 2020)

Venus’ motion will be very slow, but her energy is more intensified than before. Natives born within the first 5 days of the mutable signs or anyone with planets in the 5th degree of mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) will be frustrated with the traits of Venus (love, money, personal values and possessions), as the energies change again while we were used to the retrograde motion. It’s quite possible that the real meanings of Venus will be released. Our understanding will become clearer now.

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