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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Weekly Predictions 18th May – 24th May 2020

A New Moon, a New Week!

On 22nd May, we have the New Moon in the 1st degree of Gemini to be positively supported by the Master Teacher of the planets, Saturn. So those born the first five days of the air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) will take a deep breath of relief. It may not be easy to make a fresh start or restart something, but it will certainly not be in vain, if they show responsibility. Especially, Aquarius of the first days are very tired with Saturn (hard crash tests) and Uranus (difficult changes) in their own decan.

Mars has been in Pisces since 13th May and from the 6th degree of Pisces square New Moon. The squares in astrology are not very favorable, but this one has a different hue. The New Moon, which announces new beginnings, has the support of Saturn, to give tiredness and difficulties to our ventures, but Mars triggers our stubbornness, the explosion and the struggle we need to give in order to succeed. We turn the apathy into action.

Mercury also meets Venus in the 20th degree of Gemini and together they square Neptune in Pisces. The atmosphere has this taste of an illusory dream. We experience the refutation of what we think, what we want, what we desire. If you make an appointment within these days, whether personal or professional, don't be surprised if you see the caterpillar, instead of the butterfly!

How will the 12 signs cope with changes this week?


At the beginning of the week, you feel stressed to deal with the obligations of your work, but also to maintain the public image that you have built so far. You will be very communicative and try to remain consistent in your goals and your words. Just be careful not to be fall for false promises.

Mood of the Week: Communications mainly through your friends, and the internet. It would be good to be attentive, but also specific in what you discuss, so that they do not malign you later.


As usual, you are firm in your opinions and beliefs. It will be difficult for anyone to change your mind this week and this may be the reason for you to have a quarrel with a friend. Your emotional moods and states are changeable as your mind and your heart cannot agree!

Mood of the Week: You are lucky on financial matters this week. So, don’t miss the chance, if you have in mind any way to get extra money. But, if you want to spend money, do it wisely in order to improve your mood.


The first days of the week you focus on your goals, but it will hurt you as long as you cannot fulfil these yet. Friends will help you if you discuss with them your problems. Professional issues may disappoint you. For those born in the first days of the sign, the scene is completely different. You have the opportunity to fulfill your great ambitions.

Mood of the Week: Try to stay sincere and stable to what you want to achieve and the universe will listen to you. Be honest with yourself and the others. Don’t be cunning as you may regret it soon.


Business and close relationships bother you until the middle of the week. You feel that everybody causes you stress. What you learn now may not be the whole truth, so don't take it too personally. Participate in discussions without judging and at the same time, evaluate silently what you see and you are told.

Mood of the Week: If you feel that you need more isolation, take your time to put your thoughts in order. You will be able to get the fresh start you want and it will not be long before it comes.


Legal documents and your business will initially concern you. While Saturn opposite your sign, you may have difficult cases and collaborations, but with the seriousness that distinguishes you, you will succeed. You may have some twists in your plans, and you may be hurt by friends you thought were genuine. Only those who deserve to be by your side will stay by you.

Mood of the Week: You expand your social circle with new people. Old friends may appear again in your life. Just try not to overestimate the good intentions of others.


Impulsive decisions on financial and inheritance issues will draw your attention. You get tired due to the responsibilities in everyday life, but they will reward you with success.

Mood of the Week: Your work plays a very important role this week; you have news from cases that you didn’t expect to hear again. All you need to do is be careful of what they promise you. It’s better if you rely on your own self and abilities only.


On Monday and Tuesday, the emotional tension will come from family problems which are caused by others. You refuse to be pigeonholes, you resist. Your daily life, but also some issues with your work or health remain blurred and this causes you tension.

Mood of the Week: Despite the difficulties you remain one of the lucky ones of the period, you achieve positive outcomes and fulfill your ambitions with a great deal of seriousness and stability. It is favorable to re-evaluate legal cases and educational and foreign issues especially for those born in the first days of Libra sign.


The inner tension you have during this week and your desire to succeed and expand would be good not to be expressed in nasty words that will hurt others, because you will not like what you hear from them in order to defend themselves. If you deal with financial issues, you should be very careful not to make mistakes or be deceived.

Mood of the Week: Emotions of guilt from the past will come to the surface to ask for your solution. But don't get lost in the depths of your emotion, because the general vibes may not be 100% true, but it will certainly be lighter than yours and others will not be able to follow you.


The truth is that whatever happens this week, it comes from others, there are no many things you can do to change the situations. In the first days of the week, you may have some extra expenses to indulge yourself. It can cause some changes in your daily schedule.

Mood of the Week: Collaborations, flirts, new acquaintances will come easily and while you are very enthusiastic, you may forget that nothing is as it seems. Natives who were born in the first days of Sagittarius sign will be pleasantly surprised.


You are very communicative this week and your daily routine starts to fill up with obligations. Of course, you enjoy it! If you have to remain at home in order to face family issues, you may feel trapped. This feeling is only for a few days.

Mood of the Week: You can improve your working conditions, your daily schedule and if you intend to start a hobby that you left behind due to the difficult conditions is the right time to do it. Those born at the end of the second decan will face difficulties mainly in communication issues; as they will not get their plans as they want.


Serendipity continues for you in romantic affairs, whether you want to start a new relationship or approach an old one. You are very firm on your opinion for a particular matter.

Mood of the Week: Your personal life changes for the better, you find the desire to flirt and have a good time again. If you are an artist, you improve your creativity. Now you can use your ideas effectively.


You are concerned about your finances and are looking for ways to increase your income so that you can carry out your plans. Some situations that remained secret at your home or family come to the surface for you to discuss. You are focused on family and career issues in the near future which are related to past events.

Mood of the Week: You want to make some changes in your home or organize your personal space. Maybe you dig up things that you have forgotten they still exist and they will remind you of the good old times.

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