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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Weekly Predictions 1st June – 7th June 2020

Updated: May 31, 2020

The Week of the first summer Eclipse!

The first eclipse of this summer on 5th June has come to shake the mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces) especially the natives born the second decan on 14th, 15th and 16th degree of the above signs and those with Ascendant (ASC), Midheaven (MC) and personal planets on these degrees. Nothing is as it seems with this lunar eclipse. Disappointments, frustrations, clear words and anything which needs to terminate in our life will be activates within the next period.

Venus retrograde in Gemini square Mars in Pisces on 3rd June, giving us the characteristics of a fierce battle between the female and male qualities of our relationships and our personality as well, intensifying even more the aggressive conditions of the week.

On the same day, June 3, Sun meets in conjunction retrograde Venus highlighting the feminine elements of the conflict. Venus is still out of bounds and acts indefinitely in financial and emotional matters. The chances of being confronted with situations, words and people from the past, especially for those born on 2nd, 3rd and 4th June, 4th, 5th and 6th September, 4th, 5th and 6th December, 3rd, 4th and 5th March are very high. However, the result will cause us internal tension and will not get the desired outcome.

On June 5, the day of the eclipse, Mercury in Cancer forms an auxiliary sextile with Uranus in Taurus, giving the opportunity to the Fixed Signs of the first ten days (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius) to have sudden ideas about

· solving problems that have arisen in the family with relatives and siblings for Taurus,

· cases in foreign countries, but also education for Scorpio,

· events that they wanted to remain hidden for Leo,

· their everyday life, work and health for Aquarius.

The energy of the eclipse will be strong so even if you belong to the Fixed Signs, you should be careful if you have planets or points in the 14th, 15th and 16th degrees of the Mutable Signs.

Towards the end of the week, Sun in Gemini square Mars in Pisces giving us the feeling that we can achieve anything we want, this does not exclude provocative and aggressive reactions!

How the 12 signs will deal with the difficulties of this week?


You deal with what you promised to do, but in the end you did not manage to keep your promise. It can be related to your relationships with siblings, neighbors, but even a professional agreement that you intended to sign or signed in the past or even a new acquaintance you made recently. If you want to arrange an appointment to resolve misunderstandings, it is not the right time, as both sides will be filled with tension and no one will want to lay your cards on the table yet. Don't go for less that your full potential.

Mood of the Week: Your ambition to expand in whatever field you are working on in your life right now is in the forefront for you. However, not fool yourself! Nothing is as it seems, and with your impulsiveness to support unfounded statements, you may be exposed.


You will incur expenses to achieve some of your goals or to help a person from your friendship circle. At first you will not see it as an expense, but as a means to believe in yourself, you need to know that you can also offer help to someone else. If you expect money owed to you or a broken partnership which is still in debt, you can receive these back provided you take advantage of your communication talents and discuss your ideas with others.

Mood of the Week: There is a period ahead, where you will be dealing with your financial obligations and pending issues. The way you will use your partner's money or bank loans will concern you. It is a good idea to think about any financial decision twice, as it is not advisable to take risks these days.


Professional issues will stress you out. You try to be flexible in the suggestions you make to improve the conditions in your career, but there is a lot of misunderstanding. During the week you will meet people who are considered to be helpful to you, but do not expect immediate results. There are discussions about financial deals with a big organization or company or something you want to keep secret for now. Use your own ideas.

Mood of the Week: You focus on your interpersonal relationships where they absorb most of your energy. Professional partnerships, your partner and the relationships you have with your customers come into focus. Be careful not to end any of the above relationships because the facts are not yet clear and you may regret it later.

Cancer Secret situations in your personal and professional life come into conflict, forcing you to change your philosophy because things cannot work as they did so far. Meetings and agreements that were under the table are re-evaluated. You become more communicative and find new ways to share your ideas and feelings. Most likely you will help a friend through the discussions you will have.

Mood of the Week: The final result of the week does not affect you dramatically as long as you do not overreact emotionally. Changes in your daily routine are just around the corner and it would be wise to accept them and adapt. You will see the results you want, just organize your obligations.


Targets you have had in the recent past regarding your financial obligations, debts, and your partner's or co-workers' money are coming back to discuss and re-evaluate. You will meet someone you haven’t seen for a long time, but you will not be happy as much as you expect due to the turn of events with the new facts that will present you. The sudden flashes and communications you have are bearing fruit in your business. The secret agreements are currently in favor.

Mood of the Week: You start to feel that someone is taking away the joy you want and this can easily make you very arrogant, because you want to show too much how "good" you are feeling. If you are a parent you will see significant changes in your children's life and this will cause you anxiety. You change the way you express flirting and your creativity, you become more serious and turn to more familiar forms of expressions in order to feel safe.


Collaborations and pending issues in your business stress you out and you seek solutions. Your actions and words will be aggressive and you will claim the best possible result for your efforts, but you will not be able to fulfill it for each case. Meetings with people who either you wanted to avoid for a long time or you have completely forgotten them may come back and will be mainly related to your business and your career. You have sudden ideas to achieve some of your dreams and help people who are close to you, especially friends.

Mood of the Week: Family matters and everything related to your home, whether it’s consider as a home or as a sense of security, start to stress you out and cause you tension. You understand that a circle will close, even if it involves relocation, if not a deeper change in your family situation. Your philosophy about the concept of family is slowly changing and you want to go back to your past and your roots.


Meetings and discussions with people from your workplace and your daily routine will cause you frustration and confusion. They want you to change the way you perceive situations and you cannot accept it! If you are a single Libra and expect to meet an ex, it is not unlikely to happen this week. But then no one will guarantee you the future of the relationship. You’ve got new ideas to improve your professional life and increase your income.

Mood of the Week: The way you express yourself in order to claim what you consider you deserve in order to expand will be of great importance. If you use your calm Libran way, without tensions, you will be able to pass your ideas to others. However, it is very easy for them to misunderstand you and lead you to break agreements that you have been trying to achieve for a long time. Relationships with siblings, relatives will go through a crisis. Try to keep your thinking clear.


You confuse happiness and contentment with extravagance these days. Be very careful that you spend both your money and yourself, your soul; wisely, because it is difficult to keep balance and you will go through meaningless sorrow. If you did not settle your financial obligations in the past, you will deal with these again this week. However, it seems that you are given a second opportunity to clarify the situation. If you have legal issues, they are settled.

Mood of the Week: You go through a process of evaluating yourself as a personality, as values, ​​but also in terms of your income. Self-criticism will often cause you doubts or may reduce your self-confidence. It is not necessarily bad as a process, but what needs special attention is the sudden expense you may face and the cancellation of some of your plans.


You deal with the events that take place at your home and will affect your partnerships and your personal relationships. If you discuss with your customers to sign a partnership, leave it for later because it will not be possible to reach a fair deal. However, the chances to return cooperation or a relationship from your past are very high. But, I’d advise you don’t commit to anything yet. Your daily routine and financial obligations are settled and you will have several ideas to organise a better schedule in your workplace and routine.

Mood of the Week: You need to be clear about people and situations in your life that you feel are not evolving. You may behave harshly and be the one to set the boundaries or the behavior of others will be the one that will lead you to freeze some relationships. In any case, you want to put your own needs first. But be careful if you don't want to lose important people in your life.


The way you communicate and share your ideas may confuse and annoy people at work and in your daily life. If you work with relatives and siblings, be careful not to break up your relationship. If you have been waiting for some positive things to come back to your work place and your daily routine, they should come by the middle of the week. You will also receive pleasant news from your partner that will make you very happy and may be related to a child or a plan that you want to fulfill. Singles have the opportunity to meet a person who will attract their attention.

Mood of the Week: That’s a period that you want to keep yourself in isolation in order to re-evaluate what has happened in your life lately. You need to rest! Also, pay attention to the disclosure of some very personal issues in your life. Some of the secrets you kept in your soul, only for yourself, will be revealed. If you feel that you can no longer bear the weight of these hidden thoughts or feelings, you will be the one who will reveal these.


You keep flirting and you really like it! You will incur some expenses in order to have fun. Those who are parents will spend more than what their child really needs. Your daily life is balanced and the situation that had caused you tension in your house comes to an end. You are imaginative and will find the necessary solutions. For those who are single, there is a possibility that an ex will return in the middle of the week.

Mood of the Week: You will go through some crises in your friendships, in your social network and in the goals you want to achieve. You realise that your income is not enough to fulfill your dreams, so you will return to more traditional and familiar ways of expansion. You are focused on the disappointments you get from your friends.


There are expenses to cover family needs, either because you contribute more than others to the home or because you help someone in your family, and this may be the reason that will stress you over the next days. In the middle of the week, you will meet people from your family, who you haven’t seen for a long time or you may also return to your hometown for a few days. You will be invited to go out with people you already know and if you are interested; there is a possibility that someone will flirt with you in order to start a new relationship.

Mood of the Week: During the next period you change your career path, but also your public image and your social status. Whatever step you take, you need to think about it very carefully because the road will have many pitfalls. Good planning is needed; Plan B and Plan C need to be ready for implementation.

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