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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Weekly Predictions 4th May – 10th May 2020

Updated: May 6, 2020

Important Events will happen this week!

The Lunar Nodes move from Cancer-Capricorn to the Gemini-Sagittarius axis on 5th May 2020. The new eclipses will affect the mutable signs (Gemini-Sagittarius and Virgo-Pisces) for the next two years and a half.

In addition, this week the Full Moon vibes in the sign of Scorpio on 7th May will make us more sensitive and intuitive.

What is in the stars for the 12 signs this week?


As your inner world remains cloudy, you are trying to find balance by improving your communication skills with more than one person. Don’t be surprised if you are the one who tells lies or you hear lies from people you didn’t expect to do it such as relatives, brothers, sisters and anyone close to you. You are inventive and persuasive in your financial matters. So, if someone owes you money, it’s the right moment to claim your money back.

Mood of the Week: Avoid the secret messages and clichés, if you don’t want to be disappointed and disappoint others. Focus on your career matters to cover some extra expenses as long as you are favoured financially.


Your hopes for financial solutions that you expected to happen at the beginning of the week may be dashed. You will consider it as a disadvantage, but very soon you will realize that your ideas will become more practical and feasible. Fulfilment will come at the lowest possible cost from people who either live abroad or have a complete different philosophy of life from you.

Mood of the Week: Don’t lose your hopes! Your dreams will come true in a romantic and sudden way. Indulge in those who know you better than anyone else.


You are ready to say the big words to get the reward you are looking for in your business. The work environment remains unclear and you feel that every time you miss an opportunity, you miss the moment to come out on top. So… you will end up having secret discussions and meetings in order to find the support you are looking for. Anything hidden is around the corner in your personal affairs and the deep conversations will arouse your feelings!

Mood of the Week: Play your cards on hidden affairs; it is to your benefit this week. However, be careful who you open up to. As for the disappointments in your business life, you are seeing now other ways to accomplish your goals…finally!


You will experience a feeling of frustration in financial and emotional matters early this week about what you kept hidden for a long time and you were convinced that you would succeed it at some point. The reason of this feeling can be either about money you were expecting to get back, but you hadn't revealed it to anyone, or even the fulfillment of a platonic love. You will meet and discuss with people in power who will listen to you and will help you to bring your creative ideas to life.

Mood of the Week: Take advantage of this week and accept the positive vibes you get from others. Love is in the air for you…


You strive for your goals and desires; you expect beautiful things to happen in your life, but you are disappointed at the moment because you see that your plans are stuck. Don’t do it because this influence will last only a few days. You will restart discussions and meetings in your business, which will improve your everyday life. A family affair seems to come to an end, even the possibility of moving house is into the game.

Mood of the Week: Changes in work and family are about to come soon. These will not be easy but you’ve got the strength to face them.


Business relationships are not exactly what they seem. Don't be surprised if you find yourself misled by promises made to you. It’s a sign of the times for you, especially at the beginning of the week. If you want to make a deal or sign any contract, it's better to wait until Thursday – Friday. The light at the end of the tunnel will come from discussions with people who live abroad or with more alternative ideology than yours; it will make you more creative!

Mood of the Week: As empty vessels make the loudest sound; don’t be very excited about what you have been promised lately. Work and collaborations can be frustrating. However, don’t criticize this different idea that someone will tell you, that’s for your own good…


You find it difficult to schedule your daily routine, as whatever you want to do looks like it’s not feasible. Financial matters of the last 15 days, which are related to issues at your home or family, will be settled. What do you need to do? Use you Librarian diplomatic nature! Avoid disputes as you will end up losing energy for no particular reason.

Mood of the Week: Children’s issues, creativity and flirting continue to get serious for you, it's not in a negative way. You become more mature!


Sensual and sexual problems may block your energy this week. And yes, indeed…these are serious issues for a Scorpio. You will feel that you cannot get the satisfaction you want; this deep feeling and the purpose you need in every relationship in your life will be missing. You will be disappointed for a while, but it’s only for maybe one or two days. However, important partnerships and contracts could be signed with great duration, expansion and reliability. People of prestige in these steps.

Mood of the Week: Put aside your suspicion and your mood swings, you have people around you who want to help you and promote you. Don't put obstacles in your way.


Maybe you had idealized collaborations and very personal relationships; now you will be surprised by the turn of events. The positive message of this week is you financial improvement. It’s not impossible to find a second job these days. You will feel that the time has come to return to familiar paths, whatever it means as per your personal chart.

Mood of the Week: Don’t isolate yourself completely…. Okay, we all keep the social distancing, but depression isn’t for you Sagittarius! You still cannot travel, but it will happen soon.


You want to make your life more beautiful, but things do not come as you have planned. Communication will return, but with some kind of frustration. However, the good news from your children or a new love will make you shine. Flirting and new acquaintances are among the most likely scenarios of the week.

Mood of the Week: That’s a week to fulfill desires, goals and plans with the help of friends ... you will spend beautiful moments with them. A new love from your friendly environment is quite possible.


Financial and emotional confusion will shake you and you may lose confidence in yourself for a while. But you remain a fighter and claim what you think it belongs to you. Your family may want to intervene in some home and business issues with more traditional ideas. It is a week that you will put limits on such behaviors, even if you need to clash.

Mood of the Week: Your business life is activated either by closing circles and opening others or continuing on the same paths in a more productive way. It depends on your natal chart. It won't be easy but you are determined to show your worth.


To tell to a Pisces about cheating and the disillusionment of her/his own dreams will surely make her/him wonder, "Why, is there another way?". As they have Neptune on their own sign for many years now. So, if someone tells you another fake story, it’s for sure that you will not be impressed. So, you will not be disappointing at all. Nevertheless, you will rely on your career improvement and you communications.

Mood of the Week: Your mind works overtime, your subconscious works 24/7 and your intuition is very active. Listen to what it tells you and you will not lose. It is an opportunity to complete your plans in the best possible way.

#astrology #weekly#4th#10th#May

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