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  • Writer's pictureAngie M.

Weekly predictions 8th June to 14th June

The first difficult week of June with the Lunar Eclipse on 5th June has passed and has left us with its wastewaters. However, the confusion and the blurred scenery remains, and leaves us out of energy to fight for what has occurred to each of us the previous period.

Let’s take it as a break between the Eclipses of this month, which are three in total. The Lunar Eclipse took place on 5th June on 15th degree of Sagittarius; the next Solar Eclipse is on zero degree of Cancer on 21st June and the Lunar one on the 13th degree of Capricorn on 5th July. Thus, the cycle of the Eclipses on Cancer – Capricorn axis, which affected the cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn) over the last 2 ½ years, will reach to an end.

We can start dreaming of travelling, possibly planning some short excursions this week. However, we haven’t taken into consideration all factors that are going to affect our plans and we may get disappointed by the results... It is a well-known proverb that advices us ‘the Universe has other plans.’

The general feeling is characterized by lack of energy and action, strong emotionality and high sensitivity. We look for self-isolation to deal with our own self.

Disappointments in travelling, sea ​​voyages, distorted truth and our confusing thinking is the result of the last eclipse (5th June).

The mutable signs should be incredibly careful, especially those natives who have been born the following dates:

  • Gemini 9th, 10th and 11th June

  • Virgo 11th, 12th and 13th September

  • Sagittarius 10th, 11th and 12th December

  • Pisces 9th, 10th and 11th March

The 12 signs over the next seven days:


The way you communicate remains quite problematic. You try to protect yourself by these deceptive actions around you, which still play an important role. You want to stay at home, feel safe and cosy and get some rest. You’ve got intense dreams and your subconscious mind is overstimulated. Don’t fall into the trap of following the ‘signs’, you think are the correct ones.

Mood of the Week: Your emotions are mixed up with the delusion. At the best scenario, if you are an artistic nature, you can channel your energy in your art. Otherwise, you may get exhausted without knowing where to direct the energy. You could dedicate more for yourself, your home and your rest.


Your finances remain unbalanced. You spend more than what you can afford in order to achieve a goal or you may want to help a friend. You think that's how you close your own wounds and insecurities, but it's not true. In the social groups you participate in and among your friends someone will disappoint you and you will feel that you are being deceived.

Mood of the Week: If you expected higher income from your job or maybe a bonus or a target you recently set it without reviewing it 100%, you may get disappointed while your plans are not fulfilled as you wish they would do. The best you can do is going out to spend a pleasant time with your friends.


You are still revolving around yourself and your business plans. You try very hard to achieve the public image that you want others to form for you, and every time you say 'I'm very close', something happens and it cancels out everything. Pay close attention to your work these days; don't get excited as soon as someone offers you the dreamy cooperation on the plate.

Mood of the Week: The positive part of these days is that you can eliminate disputes you may have with a friend. It will not be easy, but at least you have your opportunity.


If you aim to close a secret agreement or a more emotional situation has made you wonder whether it is true or not, let us inform you that you will not get the clear answer you want yet. Whatever you have in mind, whether it's about your emotional or professional issues, it isn't exactly what it seems.

Mood of the Week: If you want to make a trip, you should be very well prepared and armed with patience. It may take longer than expected or even be temporarily postponed. If you are taking classes or seminars, it will not be easy to concentrate. You would be a daydreamer these days.


Your friendships, your plans, and the finances of your co-workers and your relationship are attacked and you can either get frustrated or turn a blind eye. It is not the time to rely on others, you should only trust yourself; otherwise you will be the one with the higher debts.

Mood of the Week: In the midst of all this, the travel plans that you wanted to make and you had postponed are favoured now. However, be careful not to go completely out of budget. It is well-known that you love having a good time; it's just not the right time to exaggerate.


Problems in your family and in close relationships and collaborations come to distract you. You feel like you are walking on a tightrope and with the slightest movement you can fall. This week is forbidden to sign new partnerships and contracts because they will be based on the wrong motives on both sides.

Mood of the Week: If you want to take steps forward, you only need to listen to your own strengths. Don't let others influence you and interfere with your planning and life because their advice will be wrong.


Your daily routine and problems in your health and your workplace will cause you intense stress. Try to be lawful, because a situation can easily get out of control and problems can arise out of nowhere. You will feel your energy drops and it will not be easy for you to concentrate on anything. Beware of accidents in your workplace.

Mood of the Week: This week you’ve got the opportunity to discuss with your partner or co-worker about disagreements you have had in the past. It does not mean that everything will be resolved, but the discussion will bring you closer.


You have gone through a process of spending more than you should do. This is not the time to take financial risks, let alone borrow. Also, your partner's finances may suffer and it’s not easy to achieve your common goals. If you have started a relationship recently, you may realise that it is not what you really want.

Mood of the Week: You feel that you are losing interest in your romance and the goals you have set. Fortunately, this will last only for a few days, and then you start believing in yourself again. You are one of the luckiest signs of these weird times.


Tensions and misunderstandings that have been created between you and others, either your business partners or your relationship, outbreak in your home and your family environment. You may learn things that will disappoint you and may be related to older family affairs.

Mood of the Week: You want to make changes to your home, but you feel like you have no energy for anything. You just want to stay home without worrying about anything else. Pay close attention to some damage to your house and always lock it before you leave.


Stress affects your daily life and may cause health issues. You feel that your obligations and colleagues are disorganizing you. If you have arranged a short trip either for business or personal reasons it may not be possible too happen or you may not have as good a time as you would expect. You have to be very careful when driving, but also in the way you express yourself. You can be easily distracted and others may find your way of irritating, that is because you simply do not want to talk to anyone.

Mood of the Week: Issues at home that you have forgotten will reappear to remind you of past situations. It can be a souvenir, a photo or even a conversation that will be repeated.


Financial insecurities flood you and you are not in the mood to go out and have a good time, but also it affects your self-confidence. You feel unsatisfied emotionally and think that what you have done so far is in vain. What you definitely need to pay attention to is your finances and emotions.

Mood of the Week: Avoid financial agreements and sign contracts in any way and anything that could change your financial situation. One wrong move can cost you a lot of money and disappoint you without being able to change it right away.


Home and family issues, whether as a house or as an emotional security, will upset you. You want to make changes in your space and get rid of problems and stress from your past decisions. If you are in the process of moving to a new place, you will find it difficult to adapt to the new environment. But you have the opportunity to rethink and re-approach financial matters related to your home.

Mood of the Week: You are ready for new beginnings, but without the energy a new beginning requires. Your thoughts remain blurred and you know that any delay in your plans especially this time will be due to your own inaction partly.

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